Leaflet | Lieux


25 août 2017

Album of the Week • Interview with La Cabane de Baldwin’s Thibault Duquesne

Young quartet from Geneva La Cabane de Baldwin released their magnificently-titled début album ‘Les aventures extraordinaires de Nelson Sixtine’ in early June on Geneva-based label Rock This Town Records. An album recorded in just three days – as part of their school diploma – this album is a throwback to the 60s psychadelic pop scene, something La Cabane de Baldwin certainly don’t shy away from. Thibault Duquesne, the band’s lead vocalist, gives his thoughts on the album to English for Everyone.

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Young quartet from Geneva La Cabane de Baldwin released their magnificently-titled début album ‘Les aventures extraordinaires de Nelson Sixtine’ in early June on Geneva – based label Rock This Town Records. An album recorded in just three days – as part of their school diploma – this album is a throwback to the 60s psychadelic pop scene, something La Cabane de Baldwin certainly don’t shy away from. Thibault Duquesne, the band’s lead vocalist, gives his thoughts on the album to English for Everyone.

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